Romeo is my Wegler's Conure, who at every opportunity expresses his very loud opinion when he wants out of his cage~or well, he expresses his very loud opinion in 98% of all situations which includes having me spring him from his cage.The rest of the time, he is a little angel. Romeo was at the bird rescue for quite a number of years because he was constantly screaming his name (which makes you wonder that his previous owners were probably continuously screaming his name too!)
But also, and much more of an obstacle is his cage possessiveness~translation, when he bites you, you bleed and it hurts! So in that case, you do not stick anything of your person into his cage, you let him come out and then offer your finger. The solution for the noise, well he has forgotton how to shout his name, but one has to ignore him (and not tear your hair out) until he shuts up~and be sure you are not tempted to throw him out the door!
Bottom line is in the first place~you accept the fact that conures are noisy and you try to keep the noise at a go on with my newly learned lesson.......
We are having a heat wave, which means when I take a break from marbling, I am not going to spend any time in the garden. I decided to polish my nails and since I don't do that often, I am very slow. Proud of my prowess of applying polish at all~I even painted my toe nails the same color. And I am sure you guessed that Romeo was so freaked out at that color polish that he simply refused to come out of his cage, and he held out longer than I . I had to remove my nail polish~ feed him several yums yums before he would even look at me again. I guess I am not surprised. This is the bird who totally rejects my left hand when I offer it to him!
My little angel!